cube farms
`So the other day this 404 and his lilo walked head on into the new chainsaw consultant right in front of the cube farm on the second floor. You should’ve seen the idea hamsters prairie dog.”
Confused? To translate, consult our lingo dictionary below, and keep up to date with office gossip.
n Chainsaw consultant: An outside expert brought in to reduce the employee headcount, leaving the top brass with clean hands.
n Cube farm: An office filled with cubicles.
n Idea hamsters: People who always seem to have their idea generators running.
n Sitcom: Acronym for single income, two children and oppressive mortgage.
n Prairie dogging: Something loud happens in a cube farm and people’s heads pop up over the walls to see what’s going on.
n 404: Someone who is clueless, from the World Wide Web error message “404 not found”, meaning the requested document couldn’t be located. As in: “Don’t bother asking him, he’s 404.”
n Lilo: Live-in lover.
n Lam: Living as married.