/ 2 November 1998

Unita cops demobilised from police force

JOE KAUNDA, Luanda | Monday 7.15pm.

ANGOLAN police announced last week that all Unita-aligned members of the national police service will be demobilised. This comes after the Angolan parliament two weeks ago passed a resolution to strip rebel leader Jonas Savimbi of his special status.

In announcing the demobilisation, National Police commander Fernado dos Santos said measures have already been put in place to avoid a possible situation in which Unita guards “illegally” use the national police uniform.

This follows last week’s decision in parliament where a law recognising Savimbi as leader of a major opposition political party was repealed after ruling MPLA MPs accused Savimbi of frustrating the peace process in Angola.

Last week visiting US under secretary of state for African issues Susan Rice blamed Unita for the delays in implementing the United Nations-brokered Lusaka Peace Protocol. She said despite some concerns by the US administration over some steps undertaken by the Angolan government, there is no doubt that Unita is the main culprit in stalling the peace process.