/ 5 February 1999


A CAPE Town magistrate ruled on Friday that subpoenas issued to media organisations in the inquest into the lynching of gangster Rashaad Staggie are valid. Media groups, editors and journalists were subpoenaed to give evidence about the lynching of the Hard Livings gang co-leader allegedly by People Against Gangsterism and Drugs vigilantes in August 1996. Staggie’s death took place before a large media contingent. The court warned that media personnel who refuse to obey the controversial Section 205 subpoenas will be summarily dealt with in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act. This means the court has rejected a media contention that the matter be referred to the Western Cape director of prosecutions. Media legal representative Eduard Fagan asked for a delay in proceedings to consider the implications of the ruling and indicated the media may seek urgent relief from the Cape High Court.