/ 16 March 1999


RAINS over prime sugar lands in eastern KwaZulu-Natal have staved off fears that the crop could be adversely affected by recent hot weather, a sugar official said on Monday. Soaking rains last weekend brought relief to maize farmers and sugar cane growers. Mtunzini on the North coast of the province had 43mm of rain, Durban had 20 mm and the sugar mill area of Sezela in the south had 6mm. “We would like to have a little more to really secure a good crop,” said Justin Chadwick, director of grower services at the South African Cane Growers’ Association. He said a crop of cane which will produce 2,4-million tons of sugar is already in the field and secure. More rain will ensure this increases to 2,5 to 2,55-million tons.