/ 25 May 1999


SAFETY and Security Minister Sydney Mufamadi’s neighbours doubt his capacity to cut crime after 10 of them were recently targetted by criminals, according to a newspaper report on Tuesday. A third of the 30 homes in the Mufamadi’s upmarket Sandton street have in the past seven months been victim to armed robberies, break-ins and an attempted hijacking, The Star reported. The minister moved in two years ago and is the only person on the street to have a 24-hour police guard at his home, but this has not stemmed crime, neighbours complained. Resident Denise Martin appealed to the minister: “We know you’re a busy man, but please get involved with what is happening on your very own doorstep.” Last weekend, two men were robbed of their wallets, car keys and a mobile telephone in the driveway of Martin’s home. High crime in South Africa has forced people in affluent areas to install elaborate security systems, including electric fences and video monitors, with many employing private security firms or blocking their streets off to the public.