/ 8 October 1999


UMTATA police are investigating what the ANC believes to be a string of politically motivated shootings and arson incidents at the Ngangelizwe homes of three prominent community activists. The men, Umtata deputy mayor Nobantu Madyibi, councillor and council land and legal committee chairman Thami Mayaba, and wheelchair-bound SACP executive member and ex-councillor Zeph Semane have told police they are living in fear of their lives. Semane’s car was set alight on Monday night, but a family member woke in time to call the fire brigade before the flames spread to the house. Madyibi’s home was attacked by gunmen on Friday night while she was out. Her daughter and nine grandchildren escaped harm and the gunmen fled when the family screamed to neighbours for help. Mayaba was also not at home when gunmen arrived on Friday night and searched the house in front of his terrified family. Police said no arrests have been made yet and investigations are continuing.