THE disciplinary hearing against two senior education officials accused of fraudulently inflating Mpumalanga’s matric pass rate last year, was postponed on Monday. Education spokesman, Peter Maminza, said the case had to be postponed for a month because chief education specialist Gogo Ndlovana is ill. Ndlovana and first education specialist Kate Mokone have been implicated in raising the matric results by 20% to 72%. The two officials were suspended from work in June following an internal investigation and will be the focus of a disciplinary hearing from December 1 to 3. Meanwhile, in an effort to ensure last year’s fiasco is not repeated, Mpumalanga’s education MEC, Craig Padayachee, is visiting schools in all ten education districts until November 8 to monitor the matric exam process. Maminza denied the school visits were in response to the discovery two weeks ago of a higher grade mathematics question paper hidden amongst a stack of SiSwati third paper.