Thebe Mabanga
in your ear
So, how widely do you read about radio? More importantly, how well do you listen to your favourite radio station. Try this quiz and find out.
1 This is the country’s most listened to station with 6,7-million listeners:
a Metro FM q b Ukhozi FM q c Safmq
2 And this is the country’s largest regional station with one million listeners:
a Good Hope FMq b P4 Radio (Durban)q c Yfmq
3 Marketeers frequently debate whether one needs to know a station’s frequency or its name. Match these stations to their frequency:
4 And now for the egos (sorry, personalities): Which of these is not a breakfast DJ? a Chomane Chomaneq b Mark Gillman q c Glen Lewisq
5 This classical music maestro recently made a move from Safm to Classic FM: a Mike Mills q b Rodney Trudgeonq c Jeremy Mansfieldq
6 And this amiable, multi-talented presenter recently jumped ship from Safm to Highveld:
a Sally Burdettq b Patricia Glynnq c Alyce Chavundukaq
7 Now for the real bender: Which of these radiomen does not hold the distinction of working for Radio Bop and Metro FM? a Lawrence Dube (Kaya FM)q b Tim Modise (Safm)q c Justice Ramohlola (Metro FM)q
8 And which of these is also an established club DJ? a DJ Fresh (Yfm)q b Chilli M (Metro FM)q c Logan (Highveld)q
9 These ladies rule the Gauteng airwaves between 9am and noon: match each to her station:
10 Finally, this is arguably Lesedi FM’s most popular presenter who also hosts SABC1’s Ezodumo: a Bennie “Boogie Eyes” Motaungq b Modisane Modiseq c Thuso Motaungq
If you manage to get less than 6 out of 10 on your first attempt, you just prove a point I always make: listeners, they just do not listen.
1 b 2 c 3 i-b; ii-c; iii-a 4 c 5 b 6 c 7 c 8 a 9 i-b; ii-c; iii-a 10 c