/ 13 July 2001

What’s out there?

Etrade has a substantial investor education centre. It moves from the basics of investing, how markets work, how to read financial statements, tax basics and advanced investing strategies. (www.etrade.co.za) Tradek offers a fairly comprehensive but less user-friendly guide to investing. (www.tradek.com) etaxes lists upcoming seminars on tax management. But be warned they are all booked out early. (www.etaxes.co.za) PSG Investment Services’ is running a Training For Success seminar in Johannesburg on July 28. It costs R999. It covers investment objectives, stock market concepts, share assessment and fundamental analysis, technical analysis and transaction timing and portfolio management. Contact Francois de Klerk on 011-670-0500 or email [email protected]. Alexander Forbes Financial Services runs the Money Club with The Business Times. Contact Jody Pearson: (011) 269-0552 or e-mail [email protected].