/ 31 January 2002

Increasing pressure

Estimated worldwide HIV infections: 45 286 795 as of 12.31pm on Thursday 31 January 2002

Increasing pressure: The Treatment Action Campaign and the Public Service Accountability Monitor have called on the Eastern Cape government to administer the anti-retroviral drug nevirapine to HIV-positive mothers. The groups estimate that each year more than 10 500 babies in the Eastern Cape become HIV- positive. They disputed Premier Makhenkesi Stofile’s belief that the province could not afford such a programme and say a national government study showed the programme would achieve an overall saving.

Taking its toll: Aids, on hundreds of drivers in the transport industry who die of the disease every month, according to Cross-Border Road Agency chairperson George Negota. He also expressed concern about commercial sex workers who have become a common sight along roads. He says an effort will be made to stop the spread of the disease at border towns such as Komatipoort, Messina and Ramatlabama.

Passed on: Dr David W Barry one of the pioneers of the Aids drug AZT died of a heart attack during a business outing. He codeveloped AZT and was also a chief advocate for a “cocktail” treatment using more than one drug to combat the Aids infection. He was 58.