/ 14 March 2002

Trucking industry targeted

Estimated worldwide HIV infections: 45 891 554 at 12.32pm on Thursday March 14 2002.

The trucking industry, whose rates in the spread of HIV/Aids in Southern Africa are among the worst, is being targeted according to the government’s Cross Border Road Transport Aids Project report.

Be warned: The Institute for Security Studies issued a chilling warning that if sodomy in prisons is not curbed, the spread of Aids is set to proliferate and result in massive loss of lives in the next five to 10 years. The number of prisoners who had died from unnatural causes such as Aids increased from 186 in 1995 to 1 087 in 2000 – almost 500%.

Rejected: Free nevirapine offer from a German pharmaceutical company by the Gauteng government. MEC for Health Dr Gwen Ramokgopa said such offers were not sustainable. She said the drug cost R6,43 a mother and child and the province had spent R38 000 on nevirapine.

Collaborating: The National Community of Women Living with HIV in Uganda (Nacwola), the International Community of Women Living with HIV and CLS Development Services who are developing a project with a view to extending Nacwola’s Memory Project to other African countries. The project encourages families to talk openly about their HIV status.