The most evil man on Earth, after Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, is Robert Mugabe, the president of Zimbabwe. That, at least, is the view of most of the Western world’s press.
On Monday Mugabe insisted that 2 900 white farmers will have to leave their land. He claims to be redistributing their property to landless peasants, but many of the farms he has seized have been handed instead to army officers and party loyalists. Twelve white farmers have been killed and many others beaten. He stole the elections in March through ballot-rigging and the intimidation of his political rivals.
His assault on white-owned farms has been cited by Britain’s Daily Telegraph as the main reason for the famine. Now, the paper says, he is using ”food aid as a political weapon”. As a candidate for the post of World’s Third-Most-Evil Man, he appears to possess all the right credentials.
There is no doubt that Mugabe is a ruthless and racist man, or that his policies are contributing to the further impoverishment of the Zimbabweans. But to suggest that his land seizures are largely responsible for the nation’s hunger is fanciful.
Though the 4 500 white farmers there own two-thirds of the best land, many of them grow not food, but tobacco. Seventy percent of the nation’s maize — its primary staple — is grown by black peasant farmers hacking a living from the marginal lands they were left by the whites.
The seizure of the white farms is both brutal and illegal. But it is merely one small scene in the tragedy now playing all over the world. Every year millions of peasant farmers are forced to leave their land, with devastating consequences for food security.
For them there are no tear-stained descriptions of a last visit to the graves of their children. If they are mentioned at all, they are dismissed by most of the press as the necessary casualties of development.
Ten years ago, I investigated the expropriations being funded and organised in Africa by another member of the Commonwealth. Canada had paid for the ploughing and planting with wheat of the Basotu Plains in Tanzania.
Wheat was eaten in that country only by the rich, but by planting that crop, rather than maize or beans or cassava, Canada could secure contracts for its chemical and machinery companies, which were world leaders in wheat technology.
The scheme required the dispossession of the 40 000 members of the Barabaig tribe. Those who tried to return to their lands were beaten by the project’s workers, imprisoned and tortured with electric shocks. The women were gang-raped.
For the first time in a century, the Barabaig were malnourished. When I raised these issues with one of the people running the project, she told me: ”I won’t shed a tear for anybody if it means development.”
Throughout the coverage of Zimbabwe there is an undercurrent both of racism and of regret that Britain ever let Rhodesia go. Readers are led to conclude that Ian Smith was right all along: the only people who know how to run Africa are the whites.
But, through the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and the bilateral aid programmes, with their extraordinary conditions, the whites do run Africa, and a right fist they are making of it.
Over the past 10 years, according the United Nations’s latest human development report, the number of people in sub-Saharan Africa living on less than $1 a day has risen from 242-million to 300-million.
Just like Mugabe, the rich world has also been using ”food aid as a political weapon”. The United States has just succeeded in forcing Zimbabwe and Zambia, both suffering from the Southern African famine, to accept genetically engineered (GE) maize as food relief.
Both nations had fiercely resisted GE crops, partly because they feared that they would grant multinational companies control over the food chain, leaving their people still more vulnerable to hunger. But the US, seizing the opportunity for its biotech firms, told them that they must either accept this consignment or starve.
Malawi has also been obliged to take GE maize from the US, partly because of the loss of its own strategic grain reserve. In 1999 the IMF and the European Union instructed Malawi to privatise the reserve.
The private body was not capitalised, so it had to borrow from commercial banks to buy grain. Predictably enough, last year it found that it couldn’t service its debt. The IMF told it to sell most of the reserve.
The private body sold it all and Malawi ran out of stored grain just as its crops failed. The IMF, having learned nothing from this catastrophe, continues to prevent that country from helping its farmers, subsidising food or stabilising prices.
Land distribution is the key determinant of food security. Small farms are up to 10 times as productive as large ones, as they tend to be cultivated more intensively. Small farmers are more likely to supply local people with staple crops than Western supermarkets with mangetout.
The governments of the rich world don’t like land reform. It requires state intervention, which offends the god of free markets, and it hurts big farmers and the companies that supply them. Indeed, it was Britain’s refusal either to permit or to fund an adequate reform programme in Zimbabwe that created the political opportunities Mugabe has so ruthlessly exploited. The Lancaster House agreement gave the state to the blacks but the nation to the whites. Mugabe manipulates the genuine frustrations of a dispossessed people.
The president of Zimbabwe is a very minor devil in the hellish politics of land and food. The sainted Nelson Mandela has arguably done just as much harm to the people of Africa, by surrendering his powers to the IMF as soon as he had wrested them from apartheid.
Let us condemn Mugabe’s racist attacks upon Zimbabwe’s whites by all means, but only if we are also prepared to condemn the far bloodier war that the rich world wages against the blacks. — (c) Guardian Newspapers 2002