/ 26 March 2003

Pain in the ass

Estimated worldwide HIV infections: 51 324 632 at 10.30am on Wednesday March 26 2003.

Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) — associated with vaginal and anal cancer, and pre-cancerous lesions — has been found in a significant number of HIV-positive men who have never had anal intercourse, say researchers from the Georges Pompidou Hospital outpatient clinic in Paris.

Researchers had assumed that HPV was only acquired through anal intercourse. But a study of 50 HIV-positive heterosexual male intravenous drug users who have never had anal sex and 67 HIV-infected men who had sex with men found high levels of HPV infection as well as low and high-grade pre-cancerous lesions among intravenous drug users.

The researchers found that 46% of the heterosexual drug users were infected anally with HPV.

The researchers conclude that ”anal HPV infection and anal high-grade pre-cancerous lesions may be acquired in the absence of anal intercourse in HIV-positive men”.

When caught early, anal cancer is completely preventable.

Source: www.aidsmap.com