/ 27 March 2003

‘People’s Director General’ re-elected to ILO

South African Labour Minister Membathisi Mdladlana has congratulated the country’s ambassador Juan Somavia on his re-election as Director General the International Labour Organisation (ILO), heralding it as a “victory for the developing world”.

South Africa had nominated Somavia for re-election on behalf of the African Group at the ILO. He was re-elected unopposed, with 53 votes in favour, three abstentions and no votes against.

Mdladlana assured Somavia of South Africa’s unwavering support in meeting the challenges that will emerge during the course of his term of office.

“South Africa has always said that in Ambassador Somavia we have a ‘People’s Director General’ who has conducted business in a transparent, democratic and consultative manner,” the minister said.

“The challenge of ensuring that employment is central to economic development remains paramount – especially the concept of employment as a policy objective and not merely a result,” he added.

“We urge you to continue in forging links with other multilateral organisations. It is only through engaging with other multilateral organisations that meeting the needs of our people through out the world will be realised,” Mdladlana urged Somavia.

The Minister added that the spirit of unilateralism must be actively discouraged. He also acknowledged the key role Somavia had played in addressing HIV-Aids in the workplace. – I-Net-Bridge