/ 4 August 2003

Bush threatens nukes

Well, war is looming on the horizon and the mad swines of the Bush Administration are drooling over the potential oil that is shortly to be theirs. (I call them mad swine instead of just swine — because of a report that Bush is considering nuclear weapons as an option. I didn’t believe anyone was that stupid anymore. Guess I was wrong. See Bush Threatens Nukes. And more recently, US Prepares For Possible Use of Nukes In Iraq.

It’s bizarre that no-one in South Africa is protesting or seems to care about nuclear weapons. Go have a look at shadows burned into walls from the intensity of the blast at Hiroshima and remember that the nukes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were tiny compared to what we have now.

Mass murder by thermonuclear weaponry aside, I thought it might be useful to take a careful look at who these people we’re seeing on TV about to kill untold thousands, actually are.

George W Bush — failed oil man, convicted drunk driver and admitted cocaine user, whose brother — Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, helped remove valid voters from the roll in order to secure George W’s election. For info on Bush’s public statements as regards his cocaine use, browse through the news reports at Bush Cocaine. For news and links to reports on his drunk driving convictions and run-in’s with the law, go to Bush, The Dark Side.

For how the Presidency was stolen and democracy flushed down the toilet, read the first five chapters online of VoteScam — The Stealing of the Presidency. For election fraud info, start off at Election Fraud. Read up on how the new electronic voting machines in the US are being manipulated to alter voting results, at Vote Machine Fraud. And to get a strong feeling that democratic elections are now a thing of the past, be ready to spend days going through the links at Election Fraud Links.

Donald Rumsfeld now forgets shaking hands with Saddam when he was White House Special Envoy, and instrumental in selling Saddam the assorted ‘weapons of mass destruction’ that Bush keeps talking about. Take a read of The Saddam in Rumsfeld’s Closet. As well as the fun from declassified documents at Rumsfeld Offered Saddam Help.

Dick Cheney — ex-Haliburton Oil CEO (and co-conspirator under the Ford administration, in covering up the CIA murder of MKULTRA scientist Frank Olsen, back in the ’50’s)

Condaleeza Rice — ex-Chevron Oil, (so oil-friendly, in fact, she had an oil tanker named after her). Read the scathing article Brown Rice As Bleached As White.

Colin Powell has the dubious distinction of being part of the chain of command that found no wrongdoing in Vietnam, when US forces brutally slaughtered 347 women and children in cold blood. Learn the other side of Colin Powell at Don’t Ask About My Lai. And there’s a lot of useful history (and vitriol) to be gained from the charmingly titled Just Because He’s Black Doesn’t Mean He’s Not A War Criminal. Also have a thoughtful look through Unmasking Colin Powell. And cut-and-paste heaven awaits at Behind Colin Powell’s Legend.

There, that ought to give you a healthy dose of caution when watching the media PR spin as slaughter begins in the Middle East. Speaking of “media spin”, you may recall that about a zillion-years ago, a young man released a whole bunch of secret military documents about the Vietnam War — (which became known as The Pentagon papers) and caused all manner of fur to fly. Go read what Daniel Ellsberg now has to say, about the media coverage of Iraq.

Finally, just to show I’m not all doom and gloom — picture Henry Kissinger picking his nose. Well, he tried to sue a newspaper that published the following photographs of him doing what he probably does best. So for a great, historic and yet somewhat nauseating set of pictures showing Kissinger picking his nose, and then eating the contents — go watch as Henry Kissinger Picks His Nose!!!

Until the next time, if the fallout doesn’t get me.

Ian Fraser is a playwright, author, comedian, conspiracy nut, old-time radio collector and self-confessed data-junkie. Winner of numerous Vita and Amstel Awards, he’s been an Internet addict and games-fanatic since around 1995, when the Internet began to make much more sense than theatre.