/ 18 September 2003

Ginwala: ‘Reprehensible’ MP has resigned

Disgraced African National Congress (ANC) MP Bhekuyise Ntuli has resigned, the Speaker of Parliament, Frene Ginwala indicated on Thursday.

During President Thabo Mbeki’s question time in the National Assembly, Ginwala said: ”The question was originally posed by Mr (Bhekuyise) Ntuli, who I understand has now resigned.”

However, there has been no official confirmation yet from the ANC that Ntuli had resigned.

On Wednesday Ginwala publicly hauled Ntuli over the coals in the main house, after she had earlier received a report from a disciplinary committee investigating allegations against Ntuli.

Ntuli pleaded guilty to all charges which related to him abusing his travel facilities to an amount exceeding R56 100, as well as abusing his parliamentary medical aid.

Ntuli had registered dependants who did not qualify for the travel facilities and allowed adults to travel on child dependant’s vouchers, as well as allowed non-registered persons to travel on dependant’s vouchers.

He also defrauded Parliament and its members by allowing his fiancée to receive treatment and confinement in his daughter’s name, and allowing a non-dependant to receive medical treatment in the name of another daughter.

On Wednesday, Ginwala described Ntuli’s behaviour as ”reprehensible” and ”totally unacceptable” and said he was not ”worthy of holding public office”.

Attempts to get hold of Ntuli proved unsuccessful, with his cellphone on voice-mail for most of the afternoon. – Sapa