/ 6 November 2003

The writing is on the wall of the web

So you’re a slightly geeky student, who’s not getting enough mouth action where you think you need it most. You make a fake CNN science web page detailing how fellatio can reduce the risk of breast cancer, and send it around to friends (and presumably a woman or two). Instead of it ending quietly as a minor joke, to your horror, news services around the world begin to pick up your fake report and publicize it as a real, highly useful bit of info. Suddenly CNN’s lawyers move into the picture, and you’re in deep trouble. Read CNN Blows. Now look at the original fake CNN science story at Fellatio Lowers Breast Cancer Risks.

What happens if you combine an urge for quick money with a nice multicolored clown wig, white greasepaint and a bank? Go take a look at the photographs of someone who had probably the right idea about banks. Clown Holds Up Bank.

It’s always wonderful to have your comfort zone disrupted and cold water poured on whatever beliefs you may have. It’s useful to be told just how stupid, crap and old you are in your thinking. After all, otherwise how else are you ever going to realize that you have, in fact, gotten stupid, crap and old? A case in point involves a bunch of 10 and 12 year olds were presented with a range of retro games, and their uncensored comments on what folks considered “good computer games” make for fascinating and valid reading. Beware, some of the comments might hurt your ego. Kids Playing Retro Games.

Moving on to the land of the rising neon sun sign, if you’ve never read the online classic about one person’s experiences in teaching English in Japan, have a look at the first two chapters of Tokyo Daze. For a range of pix you won’t see in the tourist brochures, but which show you life on street level on Japan, have a look through Tokyo Eyes, and then settle in for some browsing at Tokyo Tidbits.

To get away from the US version of Japan and to see an unimpressed take on Japan (watch out for bad language), do some browsing at Robotnik Magazine.

Flush the Earth time. The ongoing global warming which is going to kill all of Africa’s bird and animal life continues. (For those who don’t understand the writing on the wall, the increasing glare from the thinning ozone layer, causing you to need to wear sunglasses and the increasing incidents of skin cancers and cataracts, is a death sentence to all animal and birdlife — who can’t put on protective glasses and thus will gradually be blinded and become extinct.)

And there’s another interesting unforeseen effect that’s unfolding as we speak. Remember the brief news item about the gigantic ice-shelf that broke off the Ross Ice Shelf last year. As you’ll recall from lessons in school, the food chain in the Arctic is very precise and fragile. So this huge 20 mile-wide by 124 miles-long ice shelf is now blocking the sunlight to the key element at the bottom of the food chain — phytoplankton. This has begun a trigger and ripple effect which has killed off large quantities of penguin colonies, and is killing off further thousands of penguins who can’t swim around this giant ice block. Read Runaway Iceberg Creating Ocean Desert. And Penguins Leaving Heated Antarctic. For pictures showing the vast scale of what’s happening, go stare at the sattellite pix of Antarctic Shelf Breakup.

Added to this irreversible effect, global warming is beginning to spawn some odd weather effects. Take a look at Polar Winds Speeding Up.

Probably unrelated, but you never know. Read this recent news item about Orbiting Astronauts Sees Mystery Lights.

There appear to be a lot more stories of comets, meteors and odd space debris lately. Either we’re beginning to have increased quantities of odd material burning through our atmosphere, or else there’s just better communications alerting us to the fact that something’s happened. Remember the recent news story about the truly strange fiery ‘thing’ which was briefly visible in our atmosphere, looking like something out of The Ten Commandments? Luckily someone photographed it, and although scientists tried to suggest it was faked, they had to shut up when another photograph surfaced from a different vantage point, proving that the fiery ‘thing’ was real. Suddenly scientists began dredging up all manner of highly suspect theories to explain the reality. Look at the two strange photographs – Pic One and Not A Meteor In Space Pic Two.

Longtime political history and conspiracy fans such as myself know about the true story of the cat inside which the CIA installed electrical wiring and microphones, for the purposes of bugging unsuspecting victims. (The cat was run over by a car on its first live assignment). Take a look at a part of history you probably didn’t know about at Project Acoustic Kitty and

The Bugged Cat.

For a declassified CIA document, heavily censored, about this squished cyborg feline, grab this.

And if you’re interested in more info about the few glimpses we’re allowed of the real extent of experimentation and surveillance, then go take a look over the declassified documents available at Science, Technology and the CIA.

What brought on this info? The recent news item that the CIA were having a ‘gadget exhibition’ not open to the public, and mentions in the article of a robotic ‘dragonfly’ which was created as a surveillance device. Read the news report CIA Gadget Exhibition.

It’s hard to believe, but there are still supposedly intelligent and educated people who don’t in the existence of UFO’s. Browse through statements and affidavits by ex-airline pilots, astronauts and ex-military personnel at The Disclosure Project.

To give one of literally thousands of examples of the proof of a phenomenon which the Media routinely and quite stupidly debunks: Back in 1971 in Costa Rica, the government was routinely conducting an aerial mapping photographic mission, and visible in the automatically taken photographs, hovering over a lake, was a large metallic disc-shaped object. For a quick overview and detail from the official photograph, go to Costa Rican UFO.

Then for a deeper analysis, read the report and look at the photographs at Photo Analysis of an Aerial Disc Over Costa Rica.

Gear change. Last but by no means least, it’s always nice to see so-called alternative trends beginning to strengthen and make their online presence felt, to act as a kind of antidote to corporate mainstream rubbish. Being a longtime fan of the darker forms of popular culture, I stumbled across a local web page acting as a central node for all fans of things dark, interesting and not catered to by local commercial radio. From Bondage Fairy fans, through to Goths and cheerful BDSM fetishists, they’re lurking in the shadows at a club or bar near you. Go say hello and join in if its your thing, to a growing local community at Darklight.

Until the next time, if scorched penguins don’t get me.