/ 25 November 2003

NUM enters Aids project with Belgian union

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and the FGTB, a Belgian construction workers union, have joined hands to form a partnership against HIV/Aids in the construction sector.

The NUM now represents about 60 000 workers, having started with a membership of 17 000 when it took over the Construction and Allied Workers Union.

Spokesperson Moferefere Lekorotsoane said the project aims to run over three years, beginning in 2003 and ending in 2005.

He added that the primary aim of the project is to limit the spread of HIV/Aids among construction workers and their families through raising awareness.

The project is also aimed at building capacity within the union structures and the objective is to work towards the development of company-based HIV/Aids policies and agreements, Lekorotsoane said.

He continued that the project would see the implementation of wellness programmes in the industry and counselling and voluntary testing among workers.

The construction sector in South Africa employs between 200 000 and 400 000 workers. This sector is both unstable and mobile in its nature and character, with workers working far away from their homes inside and outside the borders of the country.

As a result, construction workers are vulnerable. While it is clear that there may be workers who are affected and infected by HIV/Aids, the extent of the impact is unknown to the union and the industry.

Lekorotsoane said that a project task team will coordinate a plan and report on the activities of the entire project.

The NUM said its intention is to ensure that the work already achieved within the mining industry is replicated and advanced within the construction sector. — I-Net Bridge