/ 29 March 2004

UDM lodges complaint against ANC

The United Democratic Movement on Monday lodged a formal complaint with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) against an African National Congress Cape Town city councillor, following a weekend incident in the city.

In a letter to chief electoral officer Pansy Tlakula, UDM secretary general Malizole Diko said the incident happened during a UDM election rally in Philippi on Sunday.

Diko said an ANC councillor ”led a group of ANC supporters to violently disrupt a UDM rally, as well as threatened members of the UDM”.

The UDM considered this to be a violation of the electoral code of conduct agreed to by all political parties.

The incident occurred in the same area where three UDM members were killed, allegedly by ANC supporters, before the 1999 elections, Diko said in his letter.

In a separate media statement, Diko called on the ANC leadership to ”tighten the chains around their members when it comes to political tolerance”.

The ANC had to realise it was not the only political party in South Africa capable of representing the majority of people, ”particularly in the townships”.

In Sunday’s incident, the police had to intervene to disperse the ”gun-wielding ANC mob”, Diko said. — Sapa

  • Special Report: Elections 2004