If the taps ran dry or the sewers stopped working, the United Kingdom would come to a standstill very quickly. Similarly, it is access to water and sanitation that underpins every other issue of development in the world’s poorest countries — from improving access to education and tackling disease to eradicating hunger and promoting gender equality.
Writing in The Guardian last month, British Finance Minister Gordon Brown said next year would be one of huge responsibility for the Blair government when it takes over presidency of the G8 group of the world’s most powerful countries, and the presidency of the European Union. “There is no single more effective anti-poverty strategy than education,” he said.
Education will improve a child’s employment opportunities and eventually also local and national economies. But if that child is too ill to attend school, or too busy, or teachers refuse to work because facilities are poor, then she will not receive the education she needs.
To see this dilemma in practice I recently visited rural Tanzania — by no means the poorest nation in Africa, and where all primary education is free. It was not a lack of school places, or the cost of school, that prevented children from learning. It was the lack of clean water and sanitary toilets.
Ravi Narayanan, director of WaterAid, says: “Shortage of water doesn’t have the impact of starvation, which is visual and terminal, but this is one of the silent emergencies at the root of everything.”
In Tanzania I met Bilal Shaban, one of only six teachers at the Mangashinie primary school in the north-western Tabora region. He said there was no water suitable for drinking or washing anywhere even close to his school.
Pupils and teachers have nothing to drink all day, which affects children’s ability to learn. They use deep holes for their toilet, but cannot wash their hands afterwards. In the rainy season, the pit overflows all over the school grounds.
Children and teachers are frequently ill from diseases related to dirty water and poor sanitation. Bilal said he often has to teach three or four classes at a time because his colleagues have diarrhoea. Other teachers will not work at his school because of the lack of water. Children missed school so frequently from illness, their learning was hindered.
I also met 15-year-old Kasanda Stephen. For six hours every day she has to walk in the hot sun to a hole to collect water for her family. Every hour spent walking with heavy barrels, waiting in a queue, and boiling water to make it safer to drink, is another hour Kasanda has to miss school.
A staggering 1,1-billion people — one-sixth of the world’s population — still do not have clean water, and 2,4-billion do not have adequate sanitation. A child dies every 15 seconds from water-related diseases. This amounts to nearly 6 000 deaths every day; the equivalent of 20 jumbo jets crashing.
Low-cost solutions, like working with a community to sink a water pump or dig a well, or to install concrete pit-latrines in schools, can make a demonstrable difference to children’s ability to learn. In Tanzania, there was a 12% increase in school attendance when water was 15 minutes away, rather than an hour. A World Bank study revealed a 15% increase in Bangladeshi school attendance when water-hauling time was reduced.
Unfortunately, poverty-reduction strategy papers drawn up by developing countries with international bodies rarely illustrate an understanding of the importance of water and sanitation. Donor governments, and donor agencies like the World Bank, whose spending on international aid is already too low, do not prioritise clean water and sanitation, which makes other development spending ineffective.
Monday was United Nations World Water Day, and WaterAid has been highlighting its Flush Out Poverty campaign for the UK Department for International Development. Its aim is to ensure that 10% of the department’s aid budget supports water and sanitation, and that the UK demands that developed countries also increase their aid spending, particularly on water and sanitation.
The UK should use its G8 and EU presidencies to demand that other countries also prioritise water and sanitation on the international and development agendas. According to the Global Water Partnership, it would cost an extra £9-billion a year to halve the proportion of those without access to adequate sanitation and water by the year 2015 — less than North Americans and Europeans spend each year on pet food. The cost of not doing so is so much higher. — Â