The International Cricket Council (ICC) confirmed on Wednesday that it has proposed a dispute-resolution process to the Zimbabwe Cricket Union (ZCU) and the Zimbabwean players that will see that current dispute in that country quickly resolved in Zimbabwe by Zimbabweans.
This process is an alternative to the formal ICC dispute-resolution process.
The proposal will see a three-person tribunal appointed: one person nominated by the ZCU, one by the players and then together these two people will nominate a third tribunal member, who will also be the chairperson.
The tribunal will address the specific concerns raised by the players in their correspondence with the ICC and any decision will be final and binding.
The ICC had previously provided the details of this process to both the ZCU and the players before it imposed the 14-day deadline for an agreement to use this system at the meeting of the ICC executive board on June 30.
The ZCU has now agreed to this proposal.
The players have sought a further extension of a month to consider the system.
The ICC has advised the players of its strong preference to have this matter dealt with as quickly as possible and has expressed its reluctance to provide this extension, which would leave these matters unresolved.
It has now asked the players to fast-track their decision on whether they will agree to this proposal to allow the matter to move to the next stage. — Sapa