Community-based Natural Resource Management Expert at German Technical Cooperation
Jabu believes in South Africa and the communities around her. She works to ensure that the country’s wealth of natural resources will be protected for the benefit of future generations. This can only be achieved by raising the awareness of communities about their local resources, she says.
‘People are used to over-exploiting their resources. It’s a challenge to change this mindset and teach people how to conserve resources.”
She works closely with DEAT on a variety of community-based natural resource management projects in rural areas. ‘Communities learn about using medicinal plants for healing and also how to develop and manage sustainable arts and crafts projects,” she explains.
A rural community Jabu works with closely is the Makuleke people in Limpopo province, who own and manage a large section of land in the northern Kruger park for conservation and eco-tourism. She advises the Makulekes on issues such as wildlife management and poaching.
As a single young woman, she has to face up to prejudice from traditional leaders, but she believes it is essential to involve women in managing a community’s resources, if these are to be protected into the future.