/ 13 October 2004

Aggravating factors

Estimated worldwide HIV infections: 59 484 509 at noon on Wednesday October 13 2004.

Famine in Africa could worsen unless action is taken to tackle the continent’s HIV/Aids pandemic, according to a senior United Nations official.

‘Unless urgent interventions are made, the epidemic could cause a steady fall in agricultural production, which would fuel serious famine in African countries,” said Peter Piot, executive director of the joint UN programme to fight HIV/Aids.

In Malawi, up to a quarter of the country’s civil servants have died or have been left seriously ill from HIV/Aids.

In KwaZulu-Natal about 68 000 of the 75 000 teachers will be lost from the system by 2010 because of Aids and staff taking jobs outside of the area. In northern Zambia the disease has severely undermined food production.

Source: Reuters