/ 8 December 2004

Draft BEE tourism scorecard launched

A draft black economic empowerment (BEE) scorecard for South Africa’s tourism industry was launched in Cape Town on Wednesday by the chairperson of the tourism BEE scorecard steering committee, Tim Modise.

The draft BEE scorecard commits the tourism sector to attaining an overall level of ownership by blacks of tourism enterprises to the tune of 21% by the end of December 2009.

The scorecard commits the industry to a target of 35% black ownership within 10 years — for the period ending December 31 2014.

In terms of “strategic representation” — which includes board representation and executive management — the tourism sector commits itself to attaining an overall level of board representation of blacks in tourism enterprises of 30% within five years — for the period ending December 31 2009.

It also commits to a target of 50% for black representation on boards within 10 years — for the period ending December 31 2014.

A similar commitment for black women’s representation at board level is targeted at 15% within five years, rising to 25% in 10 years.

The overall level of black executive management participation is targeted at 30% in five years and 50% in 10 years.

Similar commitment for black women executive management is targeted at 15% within five years and 25% in 10 years.

South Africa’s Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk hosted the launch of the draft BEE tourism charter. — I-Net Bridge