FBDGs for South Africa were launched last year and were developed through wide consultation and testing. They are:
1. Enjoy a variety of foods.
2. Be active.
3. Make starchy foods the basis of most meals.
4. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits every day.
5. Eat dry beans, peas, lentils and soy regularly.
6. Chicken, fish, milk, meat or eggs could be eaten daily.
7. Eat fats sparingly.
8. Use salt sparingly.
9. Drink lots of clean, safe water.
10. If you drink alcohol, drink sensibly.
11. Use food and drinks containing sugar sparingly and not between meals.
Making sensible food choices
– Encourage children, where possible, to bring lunch to school.
– Encourage them to eat foods from the four food groups: carbohydrates (such as wholewheat bread); protein (such as cheese, chicken, meat and eggs); fats (such as margarine, preferably polyunsaturated); as well as fruit or vegetables for vitamins and minerals.
– Encourage them to read the packaging and avoid foods with additives (for example tartrazine).
– Encourage them to choose 100% fruit juices only, with no artificial ingredients. Even better is to eat a piece of fruit and drink water for thirst.
– Avoid sweets and chips, which are expensive and do more harm than good.