/ 6 September 2005

Too sexy for God?

A Catholic religion teacher claims her good looks have cost her her job at a primary school in central Italy.

Caterina Bonci, described in the local media as a sexy 38-year-old blonde who likes to wear miniskirts, was fired after 14 years spent teaching religion at a state-run school in Fano.

Church officials say the fact that she is divorced makes her unsuitable for the job as the dissolution of marriage contravenes the will of God.

Bonci notes that her divorce dates back to 1995 and suspects other motives behind the sacking.

”I have always been attacked by my female colleagues and by the rest of the staff because of my attractiveness,” Bonci was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

”And if you consider that at our parents-teachers meetings it was always the fathers who came to see me, one can see why I have so often been at the centre of attention and a target for gossip.”

School officials insist her looks have nothing to do with their decision while local Bishop Vittorio Tomassetti has said it is too early to reach a conclusion. – Sapa-DPA