Estimated Aids-related deaths in South Africa: 1 708 589 at 1pm on Wednesday, February 8
New York’s health department is to release what may be the world’s first municipally branded condom.
The city, which distributes one million free condoms a month, wants to create its own packaging to help track and promote condom use.
‘We wanted to develop condom packaging that was noticeable so that we can later track the effectiveness of our distribution,†said Sandra Mullin, a spokesperson for the health and mental hygiene department.
The Free Condom Initiative, a Web-based programme to distribute condoms to social services organisations, was launched in June last year.
While some New Yorkers may welcome condoms bearing an image of the Statue of Liberty or the slogan ‘I NY”, others were not impressed.
‘That’s how you want people to think of New York City,†said Reverend Bill Banuchi, executive director of the state’s Christian Coalition.
Source: Guardian Newspapers 2006