/ 14 April 2006

Caring for our teachers

The Catholic Education network has declared 2006 Care of the Teacher Year, the Catholic Institute of Education announced.

This is to acknowledge the dedication of all teachers and support staff of Catholic schools and the many Catholic teachers and school staff working in public and independent schools throughout the country.

The Care of the Teacher Year emanated from a realisation within the Catholic Education network that something needed to be done to affirm teachers in their work and improve their morale — in particular among teachers who are experiencing the effect of HIV/Aids in their communities.

Many learners are grieving the loss of parents and loved ones and in many cases teachers themselves are sick and/or mourning the loss of friends and family to the disease.

In addition, teachers have limited resources available with which to teach their learners, making their daily teaching environments very challenging.

It was therefore decided that 2006 would be declared Care of the Teacher Year. During this year, teachers will be placed in the spotlight, pampered and recognised for the outstanding work they do in our schools.

The Teacher supports the Care of the Teacher Year and wants educators to write in about the effect of HIV/Aids on your world. SMS us on 083 409 7430 or write to the Teacher, PO Box 91667, Auckland Park 2006


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