Breeding large predators such as lions, cheetahs and leopards for hunting will become illegal if draft regulations unveiled on Monday become law.
”The days of captive breeding of listed species for any purposes except science and conservation are over,” said Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism Marthinus van Schalkwyk at the launch of the proposals in Pretoria.
The draft Threatened and Protected Species Regulations and the much-anticipated draft National Norms and Standards for the Regulation of the Hunting Industry are to be published for comment.
They will effectively ban ”intensive breeding” of listed large predators, such as cheetahs, lions, leopards and wild dogs, for hunting, or to be sold for hunting.
”We are issuing lists of nationally threatened and protected species, and establishing a permit system, for the breeding, hunting, trade and transport of listed species,” the minister said.
”Any person who contravenes these regulations, or who falsifies their applications, will be liable for a fine and imprisonment of up to five years, penalties that our environmental management inspectors will be instructed to apply with vigour.”
It will also be a crime to hunt any listed large predator kept in captivity that had not been rehabilitated in an extensive wildlife system and fending for itself in the wild for at least two years.
Existing operations will have three months from the commencement of the regulations to apply for registration.
On the draft Norms and Standards for Hunting, Van Schalkwyk said they are intended to eliminate practices that have cast a shadow on conservation efforts.
”Hunting will now be permitted only by humane methods, in accordance with strict fair-chase principles, by hunters registered with recognised hunting bodies, and in terms of carefully monitored and reviewed off-take limits at both national and provincial level,” he said.
There will be no hunting on private land that borders national or provincial protected areas where fences have been dropped, unless this was agreed to by the land owner and the management authority and then personally approved by the provincial or national minister.
The South African National Biodiversity Institute will keep a national hunting register, detailing how many animals had been hunted, for what purpose, where and by what method.
”We urge all interested South Africans to examine the drafts and to make their voices heard in this consultation process,” Van Schalkwyk said.
The drafts will be published on Friday in the Government Gazette for public comment over the next six weeks. They are also available on the department’s website. — Sapa