/ 10 November 2006

Reason and rhyme, and rhyme for no reason

In the wee small hours, when one’s writerly powers

Have abandoned one deep in the lurch

When the week’s submission won’t come to fruition

And you’ve nothing to say, but need the pay

There begins a frenzied search

In the clear light of day the selection of prey

Involves something akin to precision

But as hours unwind, so long and unkind

And rats from the park knife cats in the dark

One is clutched by cold indecision

For instance: If it’s all going to rhyme, then what sort of time

Will this ragtag orchestra keep?

Metronomic or frantic? Clipped or pedantic?

Will it chime like bells, or bleat like sheep?

And how many times will they tolerate rhymes

Like ”keep” and ”sheep”, which are lazy and cheap?

And there’s still that ”for instance” hanging up there

With its trailing colon looking (dare one try ”bare”?)

Internal rhyme or infernal crime? Ah, they shall be couplets

As playful as pupplets, and bonny and gay

And rhyming A-B-B-A

Or not. Such is the state of the sleep-deprived pate

As it gropes through the tropes, in search of fire

From heaven, the news that alone can leaven

The hunger for commentary, the thinker’s desire

That only the middle-bit of the paper can sate

Come. Get settled before readers are nettled

(I thought you had scrapped as intrinsically crap

This relentless adherence to rhyme?)

Consider the week that has just occurred

And prey on its politics of the absurd

And watch them guide their wandering herd

Through, not around, their latest turd

(Relentless, maybe, but there are fiercer crimes;

I think I will scrap them another time)

And out it all floods, carrying diamonds and duds

For Lekota’s troops, war is hell

These bloody Casspirs just won’t sell

The Australians have won the cricket

Manto’s emerged from under a thicket

Somebody watched Raid on Entebbe

And decided to land on Jackie Selebi

Schabir Shaik is bound for the slammer

”Can’t touch this!”: should have listened to MC Hammer

Meanwhile: Msholozi isn’t campaigning

Neither deigning nor feigning

(to save his name from further staining)

To do any explaining about which mshini

He’d like to fire, which populist genie

He’d rub to raise presidential ire

Bring me my gun, and the big dog’s head!

Bring me jelly babies and breakfast in bed!

From Washington it’s the same old drek

In Iraq they’re stretching Saddam’s neck

Will Iran get a nuclear bomb?

Will Paris Hilton get a new Toy Pom?

But in the end there’s one celeb who never fades away

His methods may change and his power may ebb

But he’s always been here to stay

The ultimate Survivor, he trains no Apprentices,

And when you’re fired, you’re fired like clay

In a pine box with brass parentheses

Yes Death’s come calling with regularity appalling

Just months ago it caught in its jaws

An Australian named Steve whose skill was to cleave

To the backs of those varmints, which end up as garments

In expense ladies’ department stores

With a penchant for ”Crickey!” (and a clearly cracked psyche)

Steve wooed beasts whose ugliness was Cretaceous

And whose claims to cuddliness were mendacious

But one living fossil escaped his spell

And now Steve Irwin never will

Hunt the Wilderness for the Groot Krokodil

For one of them’s in heaven, and t’other’s in hell.