Half of South African women who responded to an online survey said they never use a condom, News24 reported on Thursday. About two-thirds of women polled believed it was highly unlikely they would contract HIV/Aids.
The Female Nation Survey, released by Women24 on Thursday, was conducted by online and more than 7 500 women participated.
The poll was weighted to reflect women aged between 15 and 65, and earning more than R3 000 a month in urban areas. It was representative in terms of age, race and income.
It showed almost two-thirds of white women respondents never used a condom, and 38% of all respondents had had an unplanned pregnancy.
Almost a sixth of the women did not have sex at all in the past year — and two-thirds of those who said they ”don’t have sex” also did not masturbate.
More than three-quarters of women said they enjoyed sex most (45%) or all of the time (33%). Maturity appeared to increase sexual enjoyment — 56% of 40- to 44-year-olds said they enjoyed it all of the time.
While the trend was for gay women to have sex less regularly than straight women do, 90% of them said they enjoyed sex either most or all of the time. A quarter of those who were undecided about their sexual orientation did not have sex at all.
Four percent of the respondents said they faked an orgasm all of the time. Curiously, of these almost two-thirds said they enjoyed sex all of the time. — Sapa