Johannesburg metro police on Wednesday appealed to young white, coloured and Indian men and women to join their ranks.
”Over and above beefing up our numbers for the 2010 Soccer World Cup, we don’t have enough metro police from these groups — only 20% is white, coloured and Indian, in total,” said Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar.
In the six years since its inception, the Johannesburg metro police have white officers making up 10% of their number, while 8% are coloured and 2% are Indian.
”We need to get those numbers up to 20% white recruits, 10% coloured and 5% Indian,” he said.
Minnaar encouraged young people with a matric certificate and a driver’s licence to join the ranks of the city’s by-law enforcers.
Recruits will undergo a six-month academic course and six months of practical training, which includes acquiring defensive driving techniques, firearm skills and practical survival techniques.
The deadline for new recruits is May 9 and applications should be made in person at the metro offices in Loveday Street, Johannesburg, Minnaar said. — Sapa