A forensic audit report into the financial management of the Land Bank is to be referred to the National Directorate of Public Prosecutions for ”further investigation”, the Land Affairs Ministry said on Wednesday.
This was among recommendations made by the Cabinet after consideration of the report, it said in a statement.
Another was that criminal proceedings be instituted against all those who were identified ”as having personal interest, [and] acted inappropriately and negligently”.
Other Cabinet recommendations include that:
- the Department of Agriculture and Land Affairs and the National Treasury cooperate closely in the process of turning the Land Bank around;
- possible remedies for recovering ”undue” benefits derived by third parties, as a result of the actions of the Land Bank’s management, be investigated;
- internal disciplinary measures be taken against members who failed to act within the confines of their duties;
- all the loans that have been written off be reviewed; and,
- there be a major review of the Land Bank’s executive and non-executive management, including the composition and restructuring of its board.
The Cabinet recommendations have been welcomed by the Democratic Alliance.
”Cabinet’s decision to take further action in the Land Bank matter confirms what the DA has long since suspected: that Land Bank officials have been, and possibly still are, involved in irregularities and that the National Prosecuting Authority must now investigate the matter further,” DA agriculture spokesperson Kraai van Niekerk said in a statement.
The Land Bank, once financially healthy, has been forced to its knees and a serious attempt to save it is necessary, he said. — Sapa