John McCain is 71 years old, and his age has provided late-night TV comedians with some easy punch lines. On Saturday Night Live, he joined in.
”I ask you, what should we be looking for in our next president?” McCain said. ”Certainly, someone who is very, very, very old.”
The certain Republican presidential nominee appeared in a phony campaign ad in which he promised to put an end to runaway government spending, claiming he had never sought money for his home state, Arizona.
”Controlling government spending isn’t just about Republicans or Democrats,” he said. ”It’s about being able to look your children in the eye. Or in my case, my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren, the youngest of whom are nearing retirement.”
”I have the courage, the wisdom, the experience and, most importantly, the oldness necessary,” McCain also said. ”The oldness it takes to protect America, to honour her, love her and tell her about what cute things the cat did.”
Later, during the programme’s Weekend Update segment, McCain urged Democrats not to rush to choose between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
When McCain hosted SNL in 2002, he performed a medley of Barbra Streisand songs. In an interview earlier on Saturday, Glamour magazine asked if he would be singing again.
”I think once is enough,” McCain responded. — Sapa-AP