The US vice-president needs to come up with a message that resonates with the white middle and working class to win them over in this election
As the US considers the future of the trade agreement, South Africa has pointed to its critical position as a gateway to a future economic powerhouse
The United States’ newly elected leaders, Joe Biden and Kamala Devi Harris, must help recalibrate a global politics of hope and empathy
Shattering the glass ceiling is not enough, the new auditor general must make ‘live’ audits the norm here in SA
The racially intolerant act to keep black people in “their place”, some even while claiming they’re allies
As Super Tuesday looms, there are five candidates left in the Democratic race. But the party must ensure it selects someone who will be able to defeat incumbent Donald Trump
WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said on Wednesday that all efforts would now be focused on preventing Assange’s extradition to the US
The Australian whistle-blower, who was arrested on April 11 after Ecuador gave him up, could face a 12-month prison sentence
Paperback versions of the Mueller report figure in the number one, two and five spots on Amazon US’s list of bestsellers
Asked by reporters at a White House Easter event for children whether the prospect of impeachment worries him, Trump replied: "Not even a little bit."
Rudy Giuliani mounted a combative defence of Trump in Sunday talk show appearances, taking aim at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators
The Democratic Alliance is ‘rudderless’ and its inexperienced leader is unable to navigate the pitfalls of the political landscape
The New York Times reported that the FBI launched a counterintelligence investigation to determine whether Trump posed a national security threat
The London-based global human rights organisation said it was revoking the Ambassador of Conscience Award it gave Suu Kyi in 2009
Obama also says she was surprised that so many American women voted for the ‘misogynist’ Trump over Hillary Clinton
Ramaphosa’s inability to imagine an emancipatory path takes us back to an unsustainable elitism
Contrary to what President Donald Trump has claimed, this was a bad election for him
At stake are all 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 seats in the 100-member Senate, 36 governor’s posts and seats across the US
Semenya, with the backing of the South African Athletics federation, has turned to the Lausanne-based CAS in her challenge of IAAF rules
The first bomb was discovered on Monday in a mailbox at the New York home of billionaire financier and Democratic Party supporter George Soros
‘We should not mob people in public spaces or destroy public property. There is one way to settle our disagreements’
Both Democrats remain two of the most high-profile political figures in the US, which goes to the polls on November 6 in key midterm elections
Africa is happy to replace its former Western colonisers’ with China’s investments — but the ‘win-win’ mantra doesn’t always stand up to examination
The president’s comments came as he faces criticism from survivors of the attack over his ties to the powerful National Rifle Association
Democrat Doug Jones scored a stunning upset victory Tuesday in an intense US Senate race in conservative Alabama, dealing a humiliating blow to Trump
Democrat Doug Jones’s senate victory came at the end of a vitriolic campaign centred on his rival who had been accused of preying on teenage girls.
Senior adviser to president received or responded to dozens of emails from White House officials using private server.
The question should be: Is the candidate (a man or a woman) best person for the job?
When Kenya’s top court annulled last month’s presidential election results, Donald Trump’s mind was elsewhere.
“This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”
The New York Times claims US president’s son attended meeting after he was promised ‘damaging information’ about Clinton.
Hackers are consistently coming up with ways of accessing the devices of people and companies, despite the proliferation of security software.