Shoplifters who usually steal luxury goods such as jewellery, electronics and clothing have shifted to basic necessities such as food and domestic appliances, the Cape Times reported on Thursday.
According to the report, the Shoprite Group has found that while the number of shoplifting or pick-pocketing incidents had not markedly increased, the type of products stolen had changed.
Shoprite group marketing director Brian Weyers told the Cape Times: ”Previously, luxury items accounted for the majority of items involved in shoplifting, while lately people tend to try to steal more basic food and household items.”
Supermarket chain Pick n Pay also said that shoplifters were targeting everyday items more frequently.
Pick n Pay’s general manager for safety and security, Kobus Kuyler said this particular change in shoplifting outlined ”a more serious economic problem”.
He said the changing trend suggested that people were now shoplifting out of necessity. — Sapa