/ 26 November 2008

‘It was very fair’

Marianne Pienaar a teacher at Norman Henshilwood High School in Cape Town spoke to the Teacher about the National Senior Certificate History Paper 1 exam written today.

“I found the paper to be very fair and straightforward, and I am confident the learners at our school would have coped quite well,” she said.

“However, the structure of the very first question, about the Berlin wall, was unusual for a history exam and I think it might have thrown learners a bit.”

Pienaar felt that the exemplars would have been adequate preparation for all grade 12 learners, as ‘today’s paper was easier than the September exam’, which was also set by the department.

“Overall though I think it was fair across the board, and even learners at a school with less resources than ours would have managed the exam quite easily,” she said.