Water Affairs director-general Pam Yako has been put on ”special leave” pending the outcome of an investigation into alleged financial irregularities within the department.
”No charges have been levelled against Ms Yako or any official of the department and, until informed otherwise by the outcome of the investigation, the director-general remains innocent,” Water Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said on Wednesday.
A statement issued by the ministry said Sonjica had decided to investigate the department’s finances ”following allegations of financial irregularities and information alleging maladministration and mismanagement”.
Yako had been sent on special leave to ”allow for an unfettered process of investigation”.
The statement said Yako was lending her total support to the investigation and had indicated a willingness to cooperate fully.
”As a responsive government committed to clean and efficient governance we had to look into these allegations with the seriousness that they deserve,” Sonjica said. — Sapa