/ 11 March 2010

Hunt for the vuvuzela champion

Hunt For The Vuvuzela Champion

Not everyone knows how to blow a vuvuzela. But we bet you do.

The Mail & Guardian is showcasing South Africa’s vuvuzela-blowing talent ahead of the Soccer World Cup in a video montage.

We’ve heard why they should be banned, but here’s your chance to save the vuvuzela.

Using your cellphone, record a clip of you, alone, or with friends, showing us how it’s done.

You could be featured in the Mail & Guardian‘s vuvuzela video.

Some pointers:

  • Use your cellphone to make the clip and send it to us as an email attachment.
  • Keep the clip to under two minutes.
  • We’re not looking for professional videos, just ones which show zest, enthusiasm and fans having a good time.
  • Make sure it is well-lit and we can hear you or your friends clearly.

So get blowing, and click here to email your responses to the Mail & Guardian.