/ 30 July 2010

University of Zululand: Expression of Interest

University of Zululand
Expression of Interest

Internal Audit Services

Tender No: UZ 07/2010

University of Zululand is a public higher education institution and is primarily governed by the Higher Education Act 101 of 1997 as amended. In terms of
the Higher Education Plan of 2001 — the University’s mission was to “become a comprehensive institution offering Technikon-type programmes and a limited number of relevant University-type programmes with future growth being in the Technikon area”.

The University has been undergoing a transformation process since 2004 and operates two campuses — a newly established urban campus in Richards Bay and the main campus in KwaDlangezwa. The University’s internal audit services were outsourced in 2004. The current service provider’s contract will expire on 31 December 2010.

The University is seeking Expressions of Interest from potential services providers
who wish to offer their services to the University of Zululand. The period of
appointment will be for three (3) years based on performance. Please note that
the University will be considering appointment of two service providers — one each from previously advantaged and disadvantaged service providers.


Further information and forms may be obtained from: The Chief Financial
Offi cer’s Offi ce at the Main Campus, Private Bag X1001, KwaDlangezwa, 3886.
Tel.: (035) 902 6625 or email: [email protected]