Be aware that, although you may have documents from your travel agent confirming you’re insured, you may not have a policy document listing exclusions — or the benefits may be inadequate for your needs.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you have medical conditions or particular illnesses that may be excluded from your insurance? Find out what’s covered and what isn’t.
- Are you covered for medical treatment abroad? How comprehensively?
- Are you covered for lost luggage? What are the limits on these benefits?
- Is ‘cancellation or curtailment’ insurance included in your policy? This covers unused travel, accommodation or excursion costs in the event of, say, airport strikes or illness, bodily injury and even pregnancy complications — ask to see a comprehensive list of events covered by this insurance. Make sure all pre-paid charges are covered.
- If you’re unhappy with what your insurer has offered after you have discussed the matter in depth, take your grievances to the ombudsman for short-term insurance:
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