Director Professor Shirley Walters has led the creation of a lifelong learning research hub at UWC through ongoing research projects, regular seminars, and hosting local, national and international research conferences and colloquia.
UWC’s national and international profile in relation to lifelong learning is recognized through requests to serve on editorial boards of international journals or other publications; co-hosting of international conferences; research partnerships, and the director’s national role for two terms as Chair of the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA).
The successful international conference on Researching Work and Learning (December 2007) acted as a launch pad and catalyst for ongoing local and national initiatives to bring junior and experienced researchers together through a local seminar programme, and jointly hosted national seminars, with partners SAQA and the Insurance Seta.
A book has just been launched from that meeting entitled, Learning/Work: Turning work and lifelong learning inside out, with Linda Cooper and Shirley Walters as editors.
Staff have been involved in national and international policy research processes, through membership of the Ministerial Task Team on Adult Education and Training; on policy in relation to Recognition of Prior Learning through SAQA; continuing education through CHE; research for CHE Triennial Review of HE publication on adult learners in higher education; debates on the NQF through SAQA; national country report for the UNESCO World Conference on Adult Education; and commissioned submissions to the UK Commission into Lifelong Learning.
Institutional Research for UWC has been undertaken into adult learners and after hours study for the Senate Lifelong Learning Committee. Similar work has been conducted on RPL at UWC.
A National Research Study of RPL Practices has been commissioned by SAQA over the next 4 years. UWC is regarded as a leading institution in the country for research and development into RPL practices.