After much talk about the production of workbooks aimed to boost learners’ literacy and numeracy skills, these learning tools are making their way into classrooms. The department of basic education answers frequently asked questions about the workbooks.
What is the aim of the workbooks?
They will provide organised work in the form of worksheets in mathematics and language for every child. The aim of the project is to provide each child with two books of worksheets — one for numeracy/mathematics and one for literacy/language in the child’s mother tongue. Each book contains 128 worksheets (two pages each) — one a day for four days of the week. In the third term the children will receive another two books — one for mathematics and one for language. Learners will do written exercises in the books.
How will they help teachers?
The worksheets are intended to help teachers of large classes and who may be without resources like photocopiers or stimulating reading materials for the children.
Can they be used in multilingual classes?
They will be useful (mainly in urban areas) in cases where teachers have to deal with multilingual classes. Sometimes there are up to five mother-tongue languages in one class. The books are available in all 11 languages.
Can they be used in multigrade classes?
Because the workbooks are available for learners from grades one to six, it is possible for the teacher to work separately with different grades in the same classroom — giving each grade its own grade-specific workbooks. They will also be useful for teaching mixed ability groups, each group working on a different worksheet.
How else will they assist teachers?
The workbooks will help the teacher to manage teaching time and to monitor the tasks children do in them. Also, the books will help teachers to identify learners’ needs for extra support from early in the school year.
The department’s new workbooks all start with revision of the previous grade level with grade one, giving attention to school readiness and cognitive development. This revision will help the teacher to identify learners in need of extra support or remedial action. In the workbooks each alternate lesson requires the teacher to make a judgment on which learners need additional or remedial support and which high achievers may need extended activities.
How will schools receive the workbooks?
The department is in the process of delivering the workbooks to all primary schools for each grade one to six learner. Each learner will receive two books — one for language and one for numeracy/mathematics and again in the second half of the year. By the end of the year each child will have four workbooks — two in mathematics and two in language.
Are learners allowed to take the workbooks home?
Teachers should encourage learners to take their workbooks home to do homework. Also, they should encourage parents and caregivers to become involved with the workbooks so they can take part in their children’s learning.
Are learners allowed to write in their workbooks?
Yes, as they are not textbooks. The workbook is designed to enable the learner to answer questions and practise reading, writing and numeracy in the books. A textbook does not have the same design features. In fact, learners should be discouraged from writing in textbooks so that they may be handed from one class to the next each year.
What happens to the workbook at the end of the year?
They become the property of the learner and a record of progress during the year.
Is there any cost involved for the school or parents?
The books will be supplied at no cost to schools or parents. They are funded entirely by the department.
Will learners still get textbooks?
Workbooks do not replace textbooks. They are an additional learning and teaching aid.
What can principals do if they have not received workbooks at all or received the wrong number or books in the wrong languages?
Principals should phone the departmental toll-free number: 0861 36 36 00 or 012 357 4195.