Fokofpolisiekar: Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do is a South African documentary film about five young Afrikaans punk rockers that transformed a generation during a unique time in history; in one of the most reluctantly complex and evolving societies of the 21st century.
In 2003 an Afrikaans punk band was a laughable idea. Many thought the name crazy, and then the music came and many were enraged — publicly protesting “die bende” (the gang) who had the strength of their own voice and the desire to question And in a place where passion and brandy meet — many thousands became fans for life.
The film follows the story of the band over four years as they forge a place for themselves and their fans in a new South Africa, challenging the stigmas and expectations placed on them by their Afrikaner heritage, the church and tradition in the process.
Through the controversy and chaos, Fokofpolisiekar rose above their detractors and initiated a change in how the media perceived and portrayed them. They unleashed a debate in the nation’s Afrikaans community that sought finally to heal the wound, or, at the very least, to acknowledge it.
Click here for more from Oppikoppi and the Bushveld Cinema festival