The murder trial of Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye and Themba Tshabalala was postponed by the Protea Magistrate’s Court on Thursday.
The trial was put off to November 30 for the state to call a witness who would testify about the results of urine samples taken from the accused.
The state had called two forensic analysts who confirmed they analysed the urine sample. They, however, did not know the outcome because the case was not assigned to them.
Raymond Ndzo and Pheletso Makoro told the court that they only operated the machine to analyse the samples.
A witness, who was not at court on Thursday, was the one who knew the outcome of the tests as the case was assigned to her, they said.
Maarohanye and Tshabalala face charges of murder, attempted murder, and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
They ploughed into a group of school children, killing four and injuring two in March 2010, while allegedly drag racing in Mdlalose Road, Protea North, Soweto. — Sapa