Expression of Interest to register as service provider to the South African – German Energy Programme (SAGEN), implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ)
The German International Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellscha fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ) is a federal enterprise which supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development.
As part of GIZ’s portfolio in South Africa, SAGEN supports South African institutions in improving framework conditions and capacities for enhanced investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. The programme’s main cooperating partners are the Department of Energy (DoE), the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI), ESKOM, the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), selected provincial and local governments and a variety of roleplayers in higher education and training.
In the Renewable Energy component, the following activities are supported:
• Enhancing institutional and regulatory capacity for renewable energy investment through the establishment of an Independent Power Producer (IPP) Unit within the DoE;
• Supporting SALGA and selected provincial and local governments to ensure local government can play an efficient role in the roll out of renewable energy programmes in South Africa;
• Enhancing conditions and capacities for grid and system integration of renewable energy, focussing on aspects such as grid access, system operation and strategic grid and system planning;
• Enhancing technical expertise for wind and solar by supporting the Renewable Energy Centre of Research and Development (RECORD) in SANEDI as well as further wind and solar research and training initiatives.
The Energy Efficiency component focuses on:
• Institutional capacity development for energy efficiency promotion in cooperation with the DoE and SANEDI;
• Support the design, implementation and monitoring of national energy efficiency programmes, specifically the:
o Tax Incentive Schemes
o Standard Offer Programme (SWH)
o Public Building Programme / Energy Performance Certicates
o Energy Efficient Municipal Street Lighting Programme
• Development of an energy efficiency service market through the creation of a conducive environment for ESCOs, energy auditors and energy managers
• Demonstration and dissemination of innovative technologies.
Through the course of its activities, SAGEN requires advisory and consulting services from a wide variety of professional organisations, ranging from engineering, law, research, management and communication service providers. Service providers to the energy sector are herewith invited to register on the SAGEN supplier database by requesting a registration form from Ms Mpumi Rangaka on [email protected].