Anene Booysen's foster mother Corlia Olivier holds up her ID book.
On the front page of the Star on Friday, editor Makhudu Sefara called for citizens to stand up against rape.
"We abhor all forms of sexual assault on any person, young or old, and we have consistently shone a light on this scourge where we have found it … "
Sefara said the only way to combat the crime was by providing prosecutors with evidence, so rapists could be removed from society.
"Today, together with our partners in LeadSA, we repeat that call. Stand up. Speak out. Help us turn this evil around once and for all."
He said LeadSA, an initiative by Independent Newspapers and Primedia Broadcasting, decided to use its influence to mobilise society in the wake of Booysen's ordeal.
The newspaper ran a feature on self-defence for women.
The fight against sexual crimes
The Citizen published an editorial calling for South Africans to take collective responsibility in the fight against sexual crimes.
"Somehow, somewhere there must be a tipping point where society is so convulsed by a collective anger over rape that we begin to turn the tide against this terrible scourge."
Given the ubiquity of rape in South Africa, the editorial argued, this tipping point should have come long ago. Rape would not cease if society ignored it.
"Each of us needs to ask what we can do to stop this awful trend. And then we must act accordingly. You can help."
The New Age printed a full-page poster, which read: "Enough is enough!"
The words "stop sexual abuse" were arranged into a word cloud in the shape of the hand signal used by traffic police, meaning "stop".
Beneath this was the slogan: "Respect women. Respect your nation".
Booysen was raped, mutilated and left for dead at a construction site near her Bredasdorp home after visiting a sports bar on Friday night. She died in hospital from her injuries on Saturday afternoon.
On Thursday, the Mail & Guardian reported that a second man was arrested in connection with the rape and mutilation of Booysen.
"We effected an arrest of a 21-year-old man in Bredasdorp last night," Captain Frederick van Wyk said on Thursday.
The man would appear in court soon to face charges of rape and murder.
A third man was arrested on Friday in connection with the rape. Van Wyk said the 23-year-old man, from the same area, was arrested at 9.30am.
"He will be charged and will also appear in the Bredasdorp Magistrate's Court on Monday." – Sapa