/ 5 May 2014

No selfies while you vote, says IEC

The IEC has been anxious for the Bill to be passed to give it time to process regulations stemming from it and prepare for the elections
The IEC has been anxious for the Bill to be passed to give it time to process regulations stemming from it and prepare for the elections

South Africans must not take selfies in the ballot booth or of their ballot papers during Wednesday’s elections, the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) said.

“It is an offence to take and/or publish photographs which reveal a person’s vote on a ballot paper. Upon conviction offenders will be liable to a fine or a term of imprisonment not exceeding one year,” said IEC spokesperson Kate Bapela on Sunday.

She said that while it was not viable to take away all voters’ cellphones as they entered the booths, the organisation asked people to respect the law.

Bapela said there were instances of overseas voters taking such photographs and apparent social media campaigns promoting the action.

“Voters may take photographs of themselves outside the voting station and of their inked thumbs to show their participation.” – Sapa