/ 27 July 2014

Nearly R50m paid out to suspended public servants

The South African rand has depreciated the most out of 16 major currencies tracked by Bloomberg.
The South African rand has depreciated the most out of 16 major currencies tracked by Bloomberg.

Nearly R50-million has been paid out to the about 400 public servants who are currently on paid suspensions, the City Press newspaper reported on Sunday.

According to the public service and administration department, 238 employees currently suspended from national departments have already received approximately R27-million in terms of salaries and benefits; while 163 employees currently suspended from provincial departments have received R20-million thus far. 

The most common reason for suspension was misconduct: including for assault, dishonesty, corruption and fraud. A number of disciplinary hearing cases were postponed – sometimes for years – due to a variety of delays including medical reasons, the unavailability of various parties, lawyers’ need to prepare and the reluctance of officials to participate. 

Public Service and Administration Minister Collins Chabane’s spokesperson Brent Simons said that the minister wanted to speed up or change the system dealing with suspensions. “If someone is suspended with full pay, the suspension must be reviewed within 30 days,” Simons told the newspaper. –