Tess Asplund
Defiant: “I was thinking: hell no, they can’t march here! I had this adrenaline. No Nazi is going to march here, it’s not okay.”
Tess Asplund (42) defiantly confronted 300 neo-Nazis during a march by the Nordic Resistance Movement in Borlänge, central Sweden on Sunday. Far right-wing extremism has been on the rise across Europe, especially in Sweden, fuelled in part by an increase in refugees fleeing the Middle East and Africa.
After this show of defiance Asplund, who describes herself as Afro-Swedish, joined an anti-racism march before boarding a train back home to Stockholm.
“I hope something positive will come out of the picture. Maybe what I did can be a symbol that we can do something – if one person can do it, anyone can,” she said. (David Lagerlof/Expo)